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Olympic fans rage at ‘disgraceful’ IOC as major problem overshadows Paris Games

Olympic fans have been left raging after learning of a major issue with the Paris 2024 medals. It has been claimed by medal-winning athletes at the Games that a “chronic issue” has made their medals fall apart.
Irish Olympic bronze medalist Daire Lynch has shockingly revealed that his bronze medal was confiscated after it had disintegrated. The rower came home in third alongside Phillip Doyle in the double sculls but has revealed his pride at winning an Olympic medal has been overshadowed after it began to fall apart.
Lynch appeared on Irish TV today, where he revealed that International Olympic Committee officials have reclaimed the crumbling medal, he said: “Mine is gone, wrecked. It’s nearly gone (to) the next layer down.”
The 26-year-old, who also won bronze at the World Championships last year, admitted he wanted to keep hold of his medal but the authorities wanted to examine the faulty honor for research purposes.
He added: “I wanted to keep mine but they wanted to take it away for research. They want to see what is wrong with the medals. Some of the gold but not too many but the bronze seems to be a chronic issue.”
Fans were left raging at the faulty medals after the sacrifice that athletes had gone through to even make it to the Games, let alone pick up a medal. One user wrote: “Extremely disgraceful, for the IOC! The loss of trust by athletes who have medaled, having to be inspecting their medals, to find out when it will disintegrate, rather than being able to enjoy & appreciate, that which it symbolizes, their ‘hard work.”
A second account fumed: “GIVE THEM A REAL MEDAL! While a third added: “Who would have guessed the IOC bought cheap medals and kept more money for themselves.”
The Paris 2024 bronze medals are reportedly made up of copper, tin and zinc and are said to be valued at $4.60. The silver features the metal that it is named after. While the gold medal largely consists of silver with six grams of gold plating. A Paris 2024 silver is reportedly worth $535, with the gold medal worth $950.
During the Games, Team GB diver Yasmin Harper revealed the deterioration of the medals before she even left the French capital. She witnessed her bronze award becoming “a little bit tarnished” and “discolored”. Her words were also echoed by American skateboarder Nyjah Huston, who complained about the poor quality of the medal on social media.
“There’s been some small bits of tarnishing I will admit, yes,” Harper revealed. “I’ve looked at mine. It’s like water or anything that gets on the metal (which) is making it go a little discolored. I’m not sure.” When questioned if this was a concern for her, Harper responded: “No, because it’s still a medal.”
