Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Blind date: ‘I made him pinky promise to say nice things about me’

What were you hoping for?
Someone I’d feel comfortable and confident around – and attracted to.
First impressions?
Smiley and cheerful, full of energy and has great curls.
What did you talk about?
What five ingredients we would eat for the rest of our lives (I realised I basically described a peanut butter sandwich with different toppings). We found we had both studied workers’ rights for our dissertations.
Most awkward moment?
I was quite nervous at first – the blind date situation is new for me – and I did notice that the people around us and the staff knew we were on a blind date.
Good table manners?
Yeah, I reckon. We were both really into the food so I don’t think I noticed manners too much.
Best thing about Jordan?
She’s funny and lighthearted.Would you introduce Jordan to your friends?
Why not?Describe Jordan in three words.
Funny, open-minded, a little bit everywhere!What do you think Jordan made of you?
I think she thought I was a bit of a tough cookie. I did not have much to say on some topics , but I put that down to us having different interests. We had a good laugh.Did you go on somewhere?
We had a quick look around the flea market down the road and found some cool old watches and clothes.And … did you kiss?
No.Marks out of 10?
7. It was good fun but we have quite different energies. I struggled a bit to keep up with the conversation.Would you meet again?
As mates, yes.
What were you hoping for?
That lunch would be free: I wanted to make the “no such thing as a free lunch” joke.First impressions?
Cute and very easy to chat to.
What did you talk about?
Pescetarianism v omnivorism. Books. Baking. Flavor Flav sponsoring the US women’s Olympic water polo team. Most awkward moment?
When I made him pinky promise to say nice things about me in his review.
Good table manners?
Yes. Best thing about Elliot?
He’s easy to talk to, and funny. There was a lot of laughing.
Would you introduce Elliot to your friends?
Yeah, I think they would get on – nerds the lot of them (in a nice way).Describe Elliot in three words.
Interesting, funny, smart.What do you think Elliot made of you?
In an ideal world I’d want him to think I’m the best person who ever existed, but that bar may be a little high.Did you go on somewhere?
Yes, we went to a little vintage market round the corner.And … did you kiss?
No, London Bridge station mid-afternoon isn’t quite the vibe.If you could change one thing about the date what would it be?
I probably should have talked a little less about fun facts.Marks out of 10?
A strong 7/7.5.
Would you meet again?
Yes. I liked chatting with him, and I think we got along pretty well.
Jordan and Elliot ate at Lahpet Larder, London SE1. Fancy a blind date? Email [email protected]
